Jesus First

 In Jeremiah 1:5 YHWH says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” He knew us first. He was our very first love but then life happens and we forget about Him. He who formed us, made us, sent us here, our very reason for even existing… Yet how easily we forget. Or, in our bid to remember and include Him we gradually become religious..smh. To be metamorphosed into the glorious image of Christ Jesus, we have to train ourselves to make HIM first in every area of our lives. Not in some thunder rolling, 44 prayer points every 4am, kind of way but just first…#JESUS first. In all things. At all times. 

The first coherent thought when you first wake up – hey Daddy, thanks for waking me again, have your way in me today. The first thought you have when your friend invites you for lunch at that hot new restaurant that just opened- Holy Spirit what do you think? Sound good? The first thought you have when you hear there’s a major job opening at that blue chip company you have been dreaming of working at, perfect for you – YHWH is this your will for me? The first thought you have when you find out you got the lead role in the latest big budget movie of your dreams – Jesus, my dude, are you in the center of this?

Most people hesitate to look to Jesus first because religious thinking makes you believe that you have to be a certain kind of person before you can come to Him. Knowing how imperfect we ALL are, most of us either ignore Him totally or include Him only after we have already decided on what we want, because we don’t want to deal with a long list of rules or the heavy weight of guilt. Funny enough He is way less judgmental than one would think. He just wants us to come to Him, accept Him as our Lord. He says “seek first the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness (not yours) and ALL things will be added unto you” Matt 6:33. Don’t think of who you are, what kind of job you do, what you did last night, etc, before you seek him. He is well aware we are #human, infact that is the very reason why He asks us to seek HIM first. Because that is the ONLY way we can ever get anything else right. When we seek Him second or third, yes, it can LOOK like we have loads of things anyway. But if we are very honest with ourselves, it’s never ALL things. It’s never ALL good. You might have an awesome marriage, loads of money, but… A great career, beautiful child but… A great spouse, amazing children but… I know the world will try to tell us that we can’t have it ALL. But that’s exactly OPPOSITE to what Jesus says. Whose report will you believe? This is why those of us who choose to live our utmost for His highest are so different. Undefinable. We just will not conform to what the world says. What is “normal”, accepted, status quo – like “you can’t have it all”. Not to us! Not according to Jesus!!
He is our first love, He knew us first, we knew Him before He sent us here, we loved Him best. So when we begin to seek Him first, we begin to remember that love. Then we begin to fully remember why He sent us here in the first place. So then we start the process of fulfilling HIS #DivinePurpose for us, because it is ALL about Him. Pleasing Him becomes our priority and the “all other things” which are added is just that, an addition-to the real the prize, Jesus. We focus on Him only and take no thought for wherever He may lead us. We choose true love for Him over man’s wisdom. Like in Psalm 119:36, we turn our hearts toward His statutes and not toward SELFish gain.

As always, I remind you that doing all the above does not mean that we all have to become nuns and move to a convent. God bless all nuns, they have chosen that way to live their utmost for His highest and that is GREAT- for them. For the rest of us that are left; microbiologists, carpenters, rappers, janitors, chefs, carpenters, movie stars,everyday house wives, rock stars, models, painters, agents, astronauts, drivers, bankers,fashion designers, teachers, dentists, pop stars, pediatricians, farmers, house-helps, professors, entrepreneurs, bartenders, shoe-makers, loan officers, hairdressers, law enforcers, photographers, celebrities, sports agents, TV stars, sketch artists, wedding planners, skate boarders, formula one drivers, sound technicians, receptionists, body guards, students, waitresses, kenkey sellers, delivery boys, personal trainers, lawyers, comedians, navy seals, accountants, backup dancers, ballet dancers, footballers, dietitians, basket “ballers”,tennis players, snow boarders, all manner of athletes, the real housewives of (insert city here;)…etc, we start from wherever we’re at.

ImageWith ALL that we are – whoever approves or doesn’t- we live it for HIS glory alone. Not about us but about HIM. Him alone. That is the only difference in anything we ever do. That it is Jesus centered. Only for His purposes to be made manifest. Whatever it takes. No matter how right or wrong it looks in the eyes of the religious.

So with all that we are, we seek to be metamorphosed into HIS image, to do HIS will… We seek Him first. Love Him best. Love Him most. YHWH, Jesus, Holy Ghost ; Elohim. It is all about HIM. At least to us.

Shalom #Jesusiscoming #andifyoudontknownowyouknow